SAP Documents

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

SAP Tutorial - Credit Management - Part 3

Set Up for Credit Card Payment Processing

Given below is the set up for credit card payment processing:

Set Up Credit Control Areas:

Define Credit Control Area
Transaction: OB45
Tables: T014
Action: Define a credit control area and its associated currency. The Update Group should be ‘00012’. This entry is required so the sales order will calculate the value to authorize

Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area
Transaction: OB38
Tables: T001
Action: Assign a default credit control area for each company code

Define Permitted Credit Control Area for a Company
Tables: T001CM
Action: For each company code enter every credit control area that can be used

Identify Credit Price
Transaction: V/08
Tables: T683S
Action: Towards the end of the pricing procedure, after all pricing and tax determination, create a subtotal line to store the value of the price plus any sales tax. Make the following entries:
Sub to: “A”
Reqt: “2”
AltCTy: “4”

Automatic Credit Checking
Transaction: OVA8
Tables: T691F
Action: Select each combination of credit control areas, risk categories and document types for which credit checking should be bypassed. You need to mark the field “no Credit Check” with the valid number for sales documents.

Set Up Payment Guarantees

Define Forms of Payment Guarantee
Transaction: OVFD
Tables: T691K
Action: R/3 is delivered with form “02” defined for payment cards. Other than the descriptor, the only other entry should be “3” in the column labeled “PymtGuaCat”

Define Payment Guarantee Procedure
Tables: T691M/T691O
Action: Define a procedure and a description.
Forms of Payment Guarantee and make the following entries Sequential Number “1”
Payment Guarantee Form “02”
Routine Number “0” Routine Number can be used to validate payment card presence.

Define Customer Payment Guarantee Flag
Tables: T691P
Action: Define a flag to be stored in table.
Create Customer Payment Guarantee = “Payment Card Payment Cards (All Customers can use Payment Cards)”.

Define Sales Document Payment Guarantee Flag
Tables: T691R
Action: Define the flag that will be associated with sales document types that are relevant for payment cards

Assign Sales Document Payment Guarantee Flag
Tables: TVAK
Action: Assign the document flag type the sales documents types that are relevant for payment cards.

Determine Payment Guarantee Procedure
Transaction: OVFJ
Tables: T691U
Action: Combine the Customer flag and the sales document flag to derive the payment guarantee procedure

Payment Card Configuration

Define Card Types
Tables: TVCIN
Action: Create the different card types plus the routine that validates the card for length and prefix (etc…)
Visa , Mastercard, American Express, and Discover
Create the following entries for each payment card
AMEX American Express ZCCARD_CHECK_AMEX Month
DC Discover Card ZCCARD_CHECK_DC Month*****
MC Mastercard ZCCARD_CHECK_MC Month

The Routines can be created based on the original routines delivered by SAP.

*****SAP does not deliver a card check for Discover Card. We created our own routine.

Define Card Categories
Tables: TVCTY
Action: Define the card category to determine if a
payment card is a credit card or a procurement card.
Create the following two entries
Cat Description One Card Additional Data
CC Credit Cards No-check No-check
PC Procurement Cards No-check Check

Determine Card Categories
Tables: TVCTD
Action: For each card category map the account number range to a card category. Multiple ranges are possible for each card category or a masking technique can be used. Get the card number ranges from user community. Below is just a sample of what I am aware are the different types of cards.

Visa Credit Expires in 7 days.
400000 405500
405505 405549
405555 415927
415929 424603
424606 427532
427534 428799
428900 471699
471700 499999
Visa Procurement Expires in 7 days.
405501 405504
405550 405554
415928 415928
424604 424605
427533 427533
428800 428899
Mastercard Credit Expires in 30 days
500000 540499
540600 554999
557000 599999
Mastercard Procurement Expires in 30 days
540500 540599
555000 556999

American Express Credit Expires in 30 days
340000 349999
370000 379999

Discover Card Credit Expires in 30 days
601100 601199

Set Sales Documents to accept Payment Card Information Transaction:
Tables: TVAK
Action: Review the listing of Sales Document types and enter “03” in the column labeled “PT” for each type which can accept a payment card

Configuration for Authorization Request

Maintain Authorization Requirements
Transaction: OV9A
Tables: TFRM
Action: Define and activate the abap requirement that determines when an authorization is sent. Note that the following tables are available to be used in the abap requirement (VBAK, VBAP, VBKD, VBUK, and VBUP).

Define Checking Group
Tables: CCPGA
Action: Define a checking group and enter the
description. Then follow the below guidelines for the remaining fields to be filled.
AuthReq Routine 901 is set here.
PreAu If checked R/3 will request an authorization for a .01 and the authorization will be flagged as such. (Insight does not use pre-authorization check).
A horizon This is the days in the future SAP will use to determine the value to authorize
(Insight does not use auth horizon period).
Valid You will get warning message if the payment card is expiring within 30 days of order entry date.

Assign Checking Group to Sales Document
Tables: TVAK
Action: Assign the checking group to the sales order types relevant for payment cards

Define Authorization Validity Periods
Tables: TVCIN
Action: For each card type enter the authorization validity period in days.

AMEX American Express 30
DC Discover card 30
MC Master card 30
VISA Visa 7

Configuration for clearing houses

Create new General Ledger Accounts
Transaction: FS01
Action: Two General Ledger accounts need to be created for each payment card type. One for A/R reconciliation purposes and one for credit card clearing.

Maintain Condition Types
Transaction: OV85
Tables: T685
Action: Define a condition type for account determination and assign it to access sequence “A001”

Define account determination procedure
Transaction: OV86
Tables: T683 / T683S
Action: Define procedure name and select the procedure for control. Enter the condition type defined in the previous step.

Assign account determination procedure
Action: Determine which billing type we are using for payment card process.

Authorization and Settlement Control

Tables: TCCAA
Action: Define the general ledger accounts for reconciliation and clearing and assign the function modules for authorization and settlement along with the proper RFC destinations for each.

Enter Merchant ID’s
Tables: TCCM
Action: Create the merchant id’s that the company uses to process payment cards

Assign merchant id’s
Tables: TCCAA
Action: Enter the merchant id’s with each clearinghouse account

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