Steps for creating a new or changing an existing Billing Document Types
Create/Change your Billing types configuration in VOFA.
Some of the IMG stuff are :-
1) To block automatic transfer of the billing document to accounting, mark the field.
Indicates whether the system blocks automatic transfer of the billing document to
During document processing, you can manually transfer blocked billing documents to
accounting by selecting:
Billing -> Change -> Release accounting
2) Account determination procedure
3) Output determination procedure etc. ...
After customizing, use transaction VCHECKVOFA to check your configuration :-
1) Proforma billing types: If it is a proforma billing type, (VBTYP = U), the field must
be blank and the account determination procedure must be empty.
2) Cancellation billing document types: : A check is made to see if the cancellation
billing document type has the right VBTYP. An F2 invoice, for example, (VBTYP 'M')
can only be canceled with billing type S1 with VBTYP 'N' . A billing type with
VBTYP '5' can only be canceled with the VBTYP '6' and vice versa.
3) Cancellation billing document type partner functions A check is made to see if the
cancellation billing document type partner functions are empty or if those that
correspond to the billing type used are empty.
Next, make sure that you maintain the copy control for the Billing Types:
Sales documents in VTFA
Target Source
e.g. F1 - Invoice OR - Standard Sales Order
F1 - Invoice ZOR - Your Sales Order
Billing documents in VTFF
e.g. G2 - Debit Memo F1 - Invoice
G2 - Debit Memo F2 - Invoice
Deliveries in VTFL
e.g. F1 - Invoice LF - Delivery
F1 - Invoice ZOR - Your Delivery
Billing Block will not worked if you did not assign it
Define the possible block indicators in SM30 - V_TVFS and
allocate them to the billing types concerned in SM30 - V_TVFSP.
Your Billing Block will not worked if you did not assigned it to the desired billing types.
You can auto block by :- 1. sales document type in transaction VOV8, fields Billing Block, or 2. item categories in SM30 - V_TVAP, by filling the fields Billing Block.
Billing Plan for Milestone Billing
Milestone billing means distributing the total amount to be billed over multiple billing dates in the billing plan.
As each milestone is successfully reached, the customer is billed either a percentage of the entire project cost or simply a pre-defined amount.
During sales order processing, the system determines from the item category whether a billing plan is required and, if so, which type of plan
The type of billing plan that is determined at this point is set up in Customizing and cannot be changed in the sales document.
Billing plans for periodic billing and milestone billing plans for project-related milestone billing have different overview screens so that you can enter data relevant to your processing.
For example, for milestone billing, you must be able to enter data to identify the
individual milestones.
IMG configuration requires :-
1. Maintain billing plan types for milestone billing in OVBO.
2. Define date description in SM30 - V_TVTB.
3. Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type IN OVBJ.
4. Allocate date category in SM30 - V_TFPLA_TY.
5. Maintain date proposal for Billing Plan Type in OVBM.
6. Assign Billing Plan Type to Sales Documents Type in OVBP.
7. Assign Billing Plan Type to Item Categories in OVBR.
8. Define rules for determining the date in OVBS.
Milestone billing is typically used for billing projects, such as plant engineering and construction projects. Such projects often include a series of milestones that mark the completion of different stages of the work. In the SAP R/3 System, milestones are defined in a network along with planned and actual dates for the completion of work. The milestones are also assigned to the billing dates in the billing plan.
Each milestone-related billing date is blocked for processing until the Project System confirms that the milestone is completed.
Delivery-relevant order items for which a milestone billing plan applies are billed on the basis of the requested delivery quantity and not on the total of the confirmed quantities.
The connection between the project and the sales document item is made in the individual schedule lines of the item. Each schedule item can be assigned to a network in a project.
To display the project-related data for a schedule line, proceed as follows:
In one of the overview screens of the sales document, select
1. Item -> Schedule lines.
2. Mark the schedule line and select Procurement details.
The following figure shows an example of milestone billing where only the Contract have been billed :
Order Item Turbine 100,000
Billing Plan
Billing date Description % Value Billing Block Milestone Billing Status
01-10-94 Contract 10 10,000 - x x
01-03-95 Assembly 30 30,000 x x
01-04-95 Maintenance 30 30,000 x x
01-05-95 Acceptance 30 30,000 x x
01-06-95 Final invoice .. .. x
Milestone Estimate Actual
Assembly 01-03-95 01-03-95
Maintenance 01-04-95
Acceptance 01-05-95
For each billing date in a milestone billing plan, you can specify whether the billing date is:
1. fixed
2. always updated with the actual date of the milestone
3. updated with the actual date of the milestone, if the date is earlier than the
planned billing date for the date
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