SAP Documents

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SAP Modules Interview Questions Answers Vol - 5

What is the one full implementation of life cycle in SAP-BW ?
Full life cycle implementation means implementing the project start from requirement gathering, analysis, solution desion, mapping, implementing according to ASAP methodology.

How the Price determination process works in SAP-MM?
Price determination process:
Create a Price schema
Add a condition type if required
Asssign Access sequence to the condition type.
Create a condition table and specify flds required.
Create a cond. rec. The price schema for the particular mat. has a cond type. This pricing will trigger the Price determination process. Basically the access sequence assigned to the cond type will search the cond table to find the particular cond. rec. and determin the price.

What are the activities we will do in SAP MM module implementation?
Various activities in SAP MM are : Inventory, Warehouse, Purchasing, Vendor evolution, Invoice varification, etc.

Explain what are the steps in the SD process at least up to the invoicing stage
1) pre-sales activity -inquiry,quotation
2) sales-order,
3) inventory sourcing,
4) delivery,
5) pgi,
6) invoicing

SD Inquiry-- Quotation---Sales Order---Delivery---Transfer Order----Post Good Issue----Billing---Invoicing.

Condition technique

condition technique means, the combination of
- condition table
- access sequence
- conditon type
- procedure
- determination

What is the work you have done in the MM module and what programs did you use for creating views in MM?
1.Stock overview for a period can be done by Tcode-MB5B -further giving details like storage location,Plant,Material code,Date..
2.Stock as on date can be viewed by using Tcode-MMBE-further giving details like storage location,Plant,Material code.mail

How do you get the Sales Order (S.O) No. from the Delivery Order?
There are 2 ways through which you can see the reference of the documents.
1) Through Document Flow
2)Enter the delivery-> Go at the item level and select TAB PREDECESSOR DATA tab and you can see the reference order number.

What is an Open Item in SAP? How will you find an Open Item in SAP?
you can generate a list of open items from the information systems menu option:
* General Ledger: Information system ® General ledger reports ® Line items ® General ledger line items ® G/L line items, list for printing.
* Accounts Receivable: Information system
* ® Reports for accounts receivable ® Customer items ® List of customer open items for printing. Accounts Payable: Information system ® Reports for accounts payable ® Vendor items ® List of vendor open items for printing

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